Saturday, October 8, 2011

New adventures 1: Gargoyles

As stated in “sneak peek”, this is the first in an ongoing series I’ll be doing about shows I’d like to see come back.  And my first show is Gargoyles.
My all time favorite cartoon and still listed among my 5 favorite shows, Gargoyles was and still is just awesome.  This Disney show created by Greg Wiesman was darker, more series and more realistic then most cartoons while still managing to be very kid friendly.  They had actual character development, realistic, believable problems (alongside unbelievable ones) and though they had energy weapons they didn’t use them in place of real, bullet firing, guns.  On top of that, the show featured a large number of characters either from or based on both myth and the work of Shakespeare (most notably Macbeth and a mid summer nights dream) and many of the voice actors had been in star trek (not really a selling point for the show so much as a cool fact).

What I might do, given the chance:

Reboot:  I wouldn’t really want to do a reboot, as I said the show was so good I wouldn’t want to risk messing it up, I‘d much rather see a continuation and/or spin-off(s).  If I had to do a reboot I wouldn’t change much, mostly updating it by having them wake up in maybe 2012.

Continuation:  I would set this in the present and add a few new clan members, some may have come from Avalon, others may have been strays, gargoyles without clans, maybe razed by humans, who came to new York in search of there own kind after the clan went public.  I think I would have one of these strays arrive in new York in the first episode and we are reintroduced to the existing clan and introduced to the new members thru this characters eyes (always good to have a noob on the show, gives you a in story reason to explain things that fans of the old show would already know but new viewers might not + easy flashback opportunities to tell some of what happened in the years between shows).  I won’t get into what I would do with each character but I will say that Goliath and Elisa would be together (maybe even married, but I’m thinking some kind of legal battle over there right to get married could be an interesting ongoing sub plot), I’m also thinking they would some how have a kid (probably a human or gargoyle they adopted).  Another thing, Greg has said that if the series had continued he may have suggested Lexington was gay, I don’t have a problem with this, I think it could be interesting but I doubt Disney would allow it.

Spin-off:  Greg actually had plans for 6 spin-offs (Timedancer, Pendragon, Dark Ages, Bad Guys (all of which have been fan written at along with 3 additional seasons of gargoyles its self), Gargoyles 2198 (which was visited in the latter parts of the fan written Timedacer), and The New Olympians), I would love to see any or all of these (though preferably as spin-offs from a continuation) but if I could only pick one it would be Timedancer.

I also had my own idea for a spin-off in which the Manhattan clan has grown too large with an influx of small groups and lone gargoyles so they split the clan, the new group would move to a Xanatos building in Chicago (modified for them with a 3 stage roof and castle battlements) where they would find new friends and enemies.  This show would mainly be new characters (maybe 1 or 2 existing characters if I could get the original voice actor to do it) and have existing characters make occasional guest appearances.

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