Hi, thanks for reading.
This is my first ever blog entry so I thought I would use it to tell you what I intend this blog to be.
I’ve wanted to write a blog for some time now but couldn’t decide what to write about so I finally decided (as the name suggests) to make it random. Each entry will be about whatever happens to be on my mind at the time, it could be sci-fi, comics, politics, religion, end of the world, theories I have on all manner of things, commentary on all manner of things, TV/movie/book reviews, stuff about my fictional universe (including character profiles), something relevant to a recent event or something that just popped into my head (for example, earlier, for no apparent reason, I started thinking about why most Godzilla fans dislike the 1998 American made Godzilla, most likely the subject of an upcoming blog) or just something I’m mad about at the time. I will try to post something at least once a month but if I’m particularly “inspired” I may post more then once in the same day.
Well, I think that’s about it for now, again, thanks for reading and I hope soon I’ll write something that interests you, who ever you may be, if I haven’t already by the time you read this.
Random always makes for the best blogs :) Mind if I follow you?!
ReplyDeleteNot at all, the more the merrier, in fact invite some friends, I’ll set out some goodies and we can start a convoy. :)