Thursday, September 15, 2011

Make your mark

Historically the term make your mark referred to signing with an X rather then your name, usually because you were illiterate and didn’t know how to sign your name but I’m clearly not illiterate (I’m writing this blog after all) and the other day I “made my mark” at the pharmacy.

Why, you might ask?  Because signatures on the electronic card readers they use are never legible and its not just me, I don’t know if anyone besides me is making there mark but I’ve talked to the pharmacist many times and they have told me that they have rarely seen a legible signature, to which I usually respond “I might as well sign with an X”, so the other day I did.

I assume as time passes people will get better at it, or maybe they will be fazed out in favor of biometrics, but for now I’ll keep making my mark.

1 comment:

  1. I do this all the time. I sign half my name and a smily face :)
